A breathtaking beauty, an out of ordinary mind and sensibility. Only Pink’O could be so bold…and here it is the debut of Blueangy!
She has so many sides, she has so many roles to play that we don’t know from where to start to talk about her. Let’s start from the book she wrote “ Come fare del bene agli uomini – vita e consigli di una cortigiana perfetta ” – (How to do men good – life and suggestions of a perfect courtesan). It has been immediatly a success, as no one knows men better than Blueangy! And she has another one in the pipeline, this time dedicated to the female universe (among the chapters of her next book we find “How to recover the role of aware woman”, “sensibility and sensuality”), Blessed with a breathtaking beauty and an out of the ordinary mind, since a long time Blueangy is fighting her own personal battle against hypocrisy to the cries of “sex is life!” “ Complicity in a couple life is fundamental, vital to be really yourself and to lift the unuseful taboos of our society!
Out of her website www.blueangy.com and her past personal experiences, she focused her attention on mechanisms that can revitalise both the coupledom and the rationalisation of male sexuality.
Only Pink’O could be so bold and now for the several followes of the beautiful writer it’s time to see her in action in her first hard scenes: an other amazing exclusive by Pink’O. (Part 1 – to be coninued)