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Malena, Stella, Christie, Roberta…the most beautiful Italian Milfs ( branded Pink’o) conquered Americans: the new content where they are the stars will be dsitributed in the United States under the Brand “ MILFAMORE”.

Everybody knows that the Italian Milfs are really the best. Now also in the US, where the milf phenomenon was born, they.figured it out. It was born there, but here in Italy it has become a real custom phenomenon. Names such as Malena, Stella Rubino, Blueangy, Christie Dom, Roberta Farnese, Mary Rider they have an incredible legion of fans, their websites are overwhelmed and their nes scenes boast at each time millions of visualizations. Thanks to the latest brand by Pink’O , MILFAMORE (, this genre is becoming a keen interest for more and more lovers of alternative adult content.
And as we said, all the content with the most beautiful and beloved Italian Milf will be distributed in the United States by Girlfriend under the brand “Milf Amore”. We are sure that the Italian Milfs will be another great success signed by Pink’o in the United States.

Written by: admin